"I’m so thankful that even though HIV/AIDS is horrible, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, we had things like Angels Unaware to help support us! Thank you to all those that made it happen! And still do to this day fight for families like ours!!...... They are the people that helped me to know that just because my parents were sick with HIV/AIDS it didn't mean we were any less or that we were gross."

- M.


missionThe mission of Angels Unaware is to provide support and encouragement for children living with or affected by HIV. We connect families with each other to help strengthen family bonds. Stronger families supporting one another are better able to cope with the stresses and issues related to having HIV/AIDS.

We recognize that families have unique needs and experiences; our goal is to help strengthen those family bonds.

Angels Unaware is run 100% by volunteers. Ninety-seven cent of every dollar goes to Camp Ray-Ray with the other 3% going directly to other family type services.

Our goal is not to become a bigger organization, but rather remain a community based, nonprofit support group, that will eventually not be needed when a cure for HIV is found.